Had things gone to plan I would have already talked about “Devil’s Calling / Angel’s Cry” in a previous roundup, but 2020 decided otherwise and so it took a few extra months for some new Deviloof material to finally come our way. This is a split single in the truest sense of the term, with “Devil’s Calling” showing off the band doing what they do best; loud, intense and with vocalist Daisuke’s unmistakable singing style, though the 8-bit Metroidvania opening to the track was something of an unexpected surprise. “Angel’s Cry” then sees the band show off a softer side with a much more melodic style of Metal being employed and nothing in the way of the band’s typical screams or growls on the vocal side of things either. It very much felt like a classic Visual Kei type of song in a lot of ways and while I always kinda figured Deviloof would be more than capable of pulling this style off I never really expected them to ever find the occasion to try. Ying and yang, light and dark, I think that’s the perfect way to describe this single and it presents a very interesting look into another side of Deviloof that perhaps we might be hearing a bit more of going forward. It’s just a shame it only got such a limited, mail order release but I believe there might have been some kind of rights issue so it makes sense I suppose.