Like I previously mentioned, DIR EN GREY played a big part in my introduction to Japanese music but they weren’t the only ones to thank/blame for it. the GazettE were also a band that I was into for a very long time, from around 2005 up until they released their “Dim” album in 2009 to be specific. I kinda fell off at that point for a number of reasons, one of the main ones being that a lot of the music was getting less melodic and more…shouty and I just wasn’t feeling it. Well I decided to check out their appropriately titled ninth album “NINTH” to see what they were sounding like these days and while I wasn’t initially on board, after the first couple of songs I actually started to get into it. Songs like “THE MORTAL” and “UNFINISHED” were what made me a fan of the GazettE in the first place so it was nice to hear they still have a place on their newer releases. I’m actually thinking I should go back and listen to the albums I skipped between “Dim” and this one now as perhaps I was too quick to hop off the bandwagon when I did.