I’m always on the lookout for Shoegaze artists to check out and plant cell definitely fits the bill for me. The band is a product of both Japan and China, a fact that I’m not even sure why I’m mentioning but it seemed interesting for some reason. They bill themselves as a Shoegaze outfit “with an emphasis on plants, flowers, and natural imagery” which definitely comes through a lot in the music. “Landscape” is their newest album and if you’re looking for over an hour of fuzzed out, dreamy Pop music then you’ve come to the right place. There’s not a whole lot of singing going on over the course of the album’s 13 tracks but in my personal opinion when it comes to this kind of music you should be focusing on the emotions and atmospheres created by the instrumentals anyway. I don’t really want to make specific song recommendations because I think this album should be experienced in its entirety but if you must insist then I think tracks like “Nebula” or “t h u n d e r c l o u d” would be a good starting point.