codomomental get themselves another entry into this roundup in Alternative Rock band The Taupe. They’re a bit of a new discovery for me, though I’ve obviously heard of them due to their codomomental connection I’d never actually given their music a listen before. Second album “Psychedelic Cinema” seemed like a good opportunity and I was definitely impressed with the music on offer. Alt Rock serves as the basis for a lot of the songs but the band brings in various elements from other genres like Post Rock, New Wave and Psychedelica to create their own sound. Guitarist Kawamoto Yuki and bassist Onotera Emi provide tandem male and female vocals which gives each track more range and interesting melodies than a solo vocal might otherwise have been able to provide. Much like Milcboy, the vocals might take a bit of getting used to but if you’re looking for something a little different then I can’t recommend this album enough. Unfortunately, by the time you’re reading this The Taupe will have disbanded, but the band members all have plans to continue with other projects so hopefully we’ll hear more about those in the coming months.