Sometimes the YouTube algorithm actually does its job and throws up something of interest into my recommended feed. That was the case with Osaka’s Necry Talkie at least, a band that are apparently quite popular but I had been unaware of up until now. “ZOO!!” is their major debut album and contains 11 tracks that are all vibrant and full of character in their own unique ways. There’s a base in energetic Pop Punk I would say but they do a good job of varying things up so you’re never left feeling like you’re listening to the same song twice. Be it the infectious lyrical hooks of “Hokujō no susume”, the more softly spoken and considerate “Shin’ya to konbini” or the bright and energetic “Yumemiru dobu nezumi” there’s a very pure and earnest feeling to everything this band is committing to tape. Vocalist Mossa’s tone and exuberance might not be to everyone’s tastes at times, but if it is to yours then you’re in for a treat with this one.