If you’ve read enough of these things you probably know by now that there’s usually a strong Shoegaze/Post Rock/Dream Pop contingent. Well, Fukuoka’s culenasm are another new find for me from Japan’s incredibly vibrant Post Rock scene with the band’s second mini-album “In your fragrance” serving as my introduction. The overall tone of the release skews a bit more positive than many others in the genre but still heavily focused on intense displays of emotion such as the ones heard on opening track “Hanabira” and very textural instrumental compositions, with third track “Kujira no nakigoe”‘s deep sea themes being a shining example from this release. Those looking for something a bit more Poppy or vibrant would do well to check out both “Itsuka no imagoro” and “Helsinki no yume”, the latter of which ends the release on a very high note indeed. Unlikely to be suited to some of you reading this, but fans of the genres mentioned above should seek this release out.