[Roundup] Non-Idol Picks of Q1 2017

by Garry

KEMURI – Freedomosh!!

For my money, KEMURI are one of the best Ska bands in the world. Not that there’s too many Ska bands on the go these days unfortunately, but my assertion still stands. You could definitely make the case that the band’s 12th studio album “Freedomosh!!” doesn’t really try to reinvent the wheel too much but do they really need to at this point? All you really need from a Ska album are a bunch of songs that make you want to get up and dance, and they even managed to sprinkle in a couple that are a bit slower paced and more serious sounding for variety. I don’t really have to sell you on this one honestly, if you like Ska then you’ll love this album. If you don’t, well you’re just no fun are you?

Buy on Amazon JP: Regular Edition | Limited Edition [CD+DVD]

Buy on CDJapan: Regular Edition | Limited Edition [CD+DVD]