ReviewsSingle Reviews[Review] Shihatsumachi Underground – Koudenatsu hankou shoujo by Garry December 1, 2020 My thoughts on “Koudenatsu hankou shoujo”, the last in a series of 4 digital single from Shihatsumachi Underground. Continue Reading December 1, 2020 FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditEmail
ReviewsSingle Reviews[Review] Shihatsumachi Underground – Hallelujah by Garry November 12, 2020 My thoughts on “Hallelujah”, the latest in a series of digital singles from Shihatsumachi Underground. Continue Reading November 12, 2020 FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditEmail
ReviewsSingle Reviews[Review] Shihatsumachi Underground – NO!NO!NO! by Garry October 13, 2020 My thoughts on “NO!NO!NO!”, the second in a series of digital singles from Shihatsumachi Underground. Continue Reading October 13, 2020 FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditEmail
ReviewsSingle Reviews[Review] Shihatsumachi Underground – TAKE A TRIP by Garry August 27, 2020 My thoughts on “TAKE A TRIP”, the first in a series of digital singles from Shihatsumachi Underground. Continue Reading August 27, 2020 FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditEmail
Album ReviewsReviews[Review] Shihatsumachi Underground – Shihatsumachi Underground by Garry December 17, 2019 My thoughts on “Shihatsumachi Underground”, the debut album from Shihatsumachi Underground. Continue Reading December 17, 2019 FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditEmail