A weekly roundup of the past week’s digital releases.
Hey folks and welcome to another new edition of Last Week in Digital. Your weekly recap of all of the latest digital music releases from the world of Japanese Idol. This is probably going to be the last one of these for a few weeks as I’m going to be taking a well earned vacation starting next week, but I imagine I won’t be gone for too too long. Kinda wish we were ending off on a slightly bigger bang than we are this week but then again last week was crazy so I was sorta glad to not have to do that again quite so soon. Hopefully still a couple of interesting things in here for you all though at least.
I’ll also be back later in the week with another article, so check back for that if the mood takes you. Otherwise, I hope everything is going good for all of you and that you’re keeping yourselves well out there. Thanks as always for stopping by, have a great week and we’ll talk again here real soon. Cheers!