Last Week in Digital 08/15-08/21

by Garry

A weekly roundup of the past week’s digital releases.

Welcome back to a new week and another new edition of Last Week in Digital. Plenty of new music to wrap your ears around this week once again as we truly are living in blessed times when it comes to how easy it is to follow this sort of stuff. Hopefully you all enjoy these articles and that they help you find interesting new music to listen to, that’s the aim of the game and why I put so much effort into compiling them week after week.

So yeah, enjoy scrolling through and listening to all of the stuff listed below. I’ll be back later in the week with some more content so also feel free to stop back in for that if you’re interested. Otherwise, I hope everything is going great with all of you out there, have a great week and we’ll talk again soon. Cheers!