Last Week in Digital 07/04-07/10

by Garry

A weekly roundup of the past week’s digital releases.

Hey everyone, we’re back again with a new week and a new edition of Last Week in Digital. Well, we almost didn’t make this happen due to some annoying technical difficulties but you probably don’t really want to hear about any of that I suppose. What you’re here for is your new music fix and that’s exactly what I’ve got for you. Yet another jam packed week it would seem so I hope you’ve set aside a decent amount of time if you’re planning on going through this thing one by one. Nobody probably does that though, right?

As ever, there’s more content coming later in the week so stop by for that if you’d like to as well. Otherwise, I hope you have a great week and that life is treating all of you well in general right now. Thanks as always for dropping in to check out the site and my content, have a good one and we’ll talk again here soon. Cheers!