Last Week in Digital 11/29-12/05

by Garry

A weekly roundup of the past week’s digital releases.

Hello and welcome to your weekly roundup of as many new digital music releases from the world of Idol as my current crippling Final Fantasy 14 addiction will allow. Last Week in Digital is what we like to call it and it does pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. There’s plenty to choose from once again this week so when you get a spare few minutes feel free to take a load off and have listen to a song or two and see if anything catches your interest. Who knows, you might just find a new group to enjoy that you never even knew existed before, wouldn’t that be pretty cool?

I’ll have another article dropping later in the week where I take a closer look at a recent Idol release just like always. Hopefully I’ll see a few of you back again for that but I know it’s pretty busy at this time of year so no worries if not. I’ll be back again same time and place next week with another one of these posts though so have a nice week regardless, I hope you’re all keeping well and we’ll talk again soon I hope. Cheers!