A weekly roundup of the past week’s digital releases.
Hello there friends, it’s Monday once again so here’s your weekly dose of all/most of the new digital music releases from the world of Idol from the last 7 days or so. A labor of love let me tell ya, the amount of time that goes into tracking all of this stuff down then putting it together into a nice, easy to digest post sure isn’t nothing. All so I can try to keep myself and most importantly all of you caught up with all of this stuff.
As you might be able to tell just by looking at some of the names/covers/etc, this week leans very heavily towards the more “traditional” sounding Idol groups so I’m not sure how much is going to appeal to my usual readers. That’s just the way these things go sometimes so feel free to check out something you might not typically pay attention to or just take the week off and enjoy the summer while it’s with us.
I’ll leave you to get on with all of that at your leisure, please do check back later in the week for a review if that’s your thing but if not then I hope everyone has a great week and that I’ll see you back here again next Monday for another one of these posts. Keep yourselves safe and well out there, much love to you all and we’ll talk again here real soon. Cheers.