My thoughts on “Obake to Waltz”, another new digital single from Baby ♡♡ Holic.
Release Date: April 25th 2021
1. Obake to Waltz
I feel like I’ve been featuring the same handful of groups on the site for the past month or so and honestly, I’m not that unhappy about it really. Sure, I prefer to vary things up as much as possible both as much for myself as for you guys taking the time to read my opinions but hey, sometimes a group or two are on a hot streak of releasing some pretty cool material. What? Am I not going to talk about it if I have something to say? It also helps that its been a bit slow in the scene as of late due to the start of a new financial year and all.
You’ve probably seen a Baby ♡♡ Holic review or two from me in recent weeks and the reasons for that are a bit of both of the ones I mentioned above. They’re not typically a group I would check out, having a pretty cute image and an Electronic Pop style, but I’m glad that I did in the end as the two tracks that I’ve heard so far have been pretty entertaining to listen to and also a bit different to the sort of stuff that I tend to find myself writing about. You never know until you try something folks.
Well Baby ♡♡ Holic are back once again with a new digital single and this time it’s “Obake to Waltz” which I guess could be roughly equated to “Ghost Dance” or some other equivalent. A pretty interesting title that has my mind conjuring up all manner of spooky Electronica instrumentals and things of that nature. I’m doing my best not to jump the gun though because the reality could be very different to what I’m imagining in my head. I guess there’s only one way to find out huh? Be careful though, there might be some ghosts lurking in the shadows!
Not the start that I was necessarily expecting I must say, with the track electing to open with a fantastical orchestral arrangement that wouldn’t sound at all out of place in a Disney movie from back in the day. This all leads up to a door creaking open and then the track really gets started, with a rather upbeat, Polka inspired instrumental arrangement that has little hints of spookiness sprinkled throughout for a bit of added flavor. They’re not trying to play up this really dark, creepy vibe or anything like that and in fact it’s all quite cheerful and bright which I actually appreciate because it would have been pretty easy to go with a bunch of tropes and stereotypes and they haven’t done so here.
The vocals are keeping to the theme as well, performed in this very pleasant dreamy style with some mildly vocoded, cutesy sounding melodies comprising the majority of what’s going on when it comes to this aspect of the track. They lyric are quite catchy too and that’s as much down to the actual wordplay as it is how it’s all structured with the instrumental. We then get a bit more intensity to everything when it comes to the choruses which offer a nice change in dynamic for a bit here and there while still very much in keeping with the rest of the song on the whole. It’s not Halloween yet but this one will put you in the mood in its own unique way I think.
Three songs into checking out Baby ♡♡ Holic and I’ve liked pretty much everything that I’ve heard so far. “Obake to Waltz” didn’t turn out quite like how I was expecting it too but it definitely fits with the sort of style the group is going for and it gave just enough of that spooky sort of feeling to have me come away both satisfied and also very much entertained by the several plays that I’ve given the track in the process of writing this article.#
I’m not really sure how many, if any, of you guys who listen to the groups that I normally write about are actually interested in Baby ♡♡ Holic but I would encourage you to at least give them a try and see what you think. I like the group’s concept and the music is very easy to listen to and in what I would consider to be a rather appealing style to anyone into Electronica, Anisong and genres of that nature. So yeah, check them out and let me know what you think if you’d like to.