My thoughts on “Kinkyu Hinan Sokuho”, a new digital single from a new You’ll Melt More!
Release Date: April 15th 2021
1. Kinkyu Hinan Sokuho
As I get older it not only feels like I’ve ended up losing touch with a whole bunch of different things that I used to follow quite closely even just a few years ago, but time also seems to be passing just that bit quicker. Not quite to a “blink and you’ll miss it” degree but I do tend to find myself coming back around to things only to realize that they’ve changed in a rather large way in some cases. I’ve also become even better at rambling on before getting to the point I’m trying to make too.
To give you some idea of when I was last following along with all things You’ll Melt More!, both Ano and Younapi were still members of the group. Quite a bit has changed in that time then, seeing as the group’s line-up now consists of Kechon, Chiffon and 5 members of their Pyuu Pirumo! trainee off-shoot. In my defense, much of the group’s activities appear to take place in their fanclub these days and new music hasn’t exactly been plentiful either in the past couple of years due to what I can only imagine are a whole host of both internal and outside factors.
Well the group are back with their first new song since debuting their current line-up. It’s called “Kinkyu Hinan Sokuho” which roughly translates to “Emergency Evacuation Breakings News” so they’re still keeping up with that off the wall branding that got them to where they are today. Well, that’s what the title is suggesting at least but I haven’t really been keeping up with the group for a while now like I mentioned earlier so I get to come into this one with a fresh set of ears and as blank of a slate as is reasonably possible given my enjoyment of previous iterations of the group. Can the current line-up carry some of that forward? As always, there really is only one way to find out for sure so let’s take a listen.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, “Kinkyu Hinan Sokuho” opens with a synthesized warning siren because to do anything else given the track’s title and branding would just be plain silly wouldn’t it? A drum machine joins the party in fairly quick order and from there the track starts to take a bit more shape, with a mildly chaotic theme starting to develop by the sound of things. The members of You’ll Melt More! then interject with a “1! 2!” and the instrumental transforms into this very upbeat, bright Synth Pop style which will probably have caught a few people off guard I would imagine. Eventually things settle into a bit of a hybrid of both styles, which gives the song some nice upbeat energy while also retaining the earlier chaotic feel and a bit of an edge to things which all works together rather well and give a few added layers of complexity to the composition.
Vocally it’s a fairly typical You’ll Melt More performance, with lots of over the top vocal tones, a whole cast of different characters all that usual fun stuff. While a good chunk is fairly sugary and Poppy, the do also lean into the rougher side of the track too which was nice to hear even if it mainly reserved to a bit of distortion and some rapping in the verses. The choruses of course were mainly featuring the catchy Pop stuff that does a good job of appealing to a wide variety of listeners. It might be new(ish) line-up but You’ll Melt More! still know how to sell a product, that’s for sure.
Considering that this is a “comeback” single of sorts, I think You’ll Melt More! have put themselves in a pretty good position to build from here. “Kinkyu Hinan Sokuho” is a very catchy track that also has a few elements from harder musical styles which are popular these days so they’re casting a fairly wide net with this one. Whether that is the right approach or not remains to be seen but what’s a new beginning if it doesn’t allow you to experiment a little bit, right?
You’ll Melt More! are unpredictable at the best of times when it comes to their musical output so who really knows where they’re going to take things from here. The new line-up definitely have some pretty big shoes to fill but early signs are very promising and the group does have a leg up in some ways given the legacy branding and other boring business type stuff that they’re fortunate enough to still have. It should be interesting to see where things go from here in any case and you can bet I’ll be writing all about it when the time comes too.