LinQ is one of those groups that I’m surprised isn’t a little more popular. I think they’re a really fun group with high energy and super catchy songs. Maybe I can convince you to check out their latest PV, because while it may not be their most energetic one, it’s still pretty nice.
This PV features pretty much all outdoor shots. Even the dance shot is outside. It’s a pretty nice change from most PVs that spend at least some of their time indoors. Most of the PV has a tourism feel to it. There’s a lot of member shots filmed on a selfie stick, and they make use of a fish-eye lens to try and capture as many girls as possible.
I realize LinQ is a big group, but those shots are pretty distracting. It’s not terrible, but I would have been fine with more normal shots and one set of girls hand off the stick to another smaller set. One plus I can give the shots, however, is that there isn’t much color filter going on. A rare treat in J-Pop these days!
This PV is much mellower than LinQ’s recent offerings. The dancing is pretty chill and would be pretty easy for just about anyone to learn. The casual shots are also quite calm. No one’s jumping on each other to get screentime or running anywhere. It’s all very relaxed, which meshes in with the song’s mood well. I’m sure the girls are probably glad to get something a little bit easier to perform than the likes of “Hare Hare Parade”.
The song also has this very chill feel. The lyrics don’t fly at a mile a minute, and instead have a nice little melody to them. This song also features a pretty nice hook that can get inside your head pretty easily. It feels like it’s been a while since we’ve seen LinQ do something a bit more laid back, and it’s nice to be back here. One of LinQ’s strong points is they do mix it up a little with their music. They definitely have a defined sound but they’ve distributed it across several genres with very nice results. This is no exception. Calmer yes, but still a lot of fun to listen to.
LinQ’s 13th single drops March 23rd.
Watch: YouTube (Official)
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| Gakkyokuha Edition
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