PV RoundupReviews[PV Roundup] SUPER☆GiRLS, uijin, MAPLEZ by Mike December 17, 2016 This week’s selection of PV’s may not be anything spectacular, but hey, eye candy. Continue ReadingPages: 1 2 3 December 17, 2016 FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditEmail
PV RoundupReviews[PV Roundup] X21, SUPER☆GiRLS, GEM, palet, Keyakizaka46 by Mike July 16, 2016 It’s summer! Most of the idols are in the great outdoors, not that anyone would notice because they’re too busy catching Pokemon. Continue ReadingPages: 1 2 3 4 5 July 16, 2016 FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditEmail
PV RoundupReviews[PV Roundup] Wa-suta, SUPER☆GiRLS, LinQ, X21, POP by Mike March 12, 2016 Do you need some magic in your life? We’ve got it in this week’s PV roundup! Aburacadabura! (This will make sense very soon.) Continue ReadingPages: 1 2 3 4 5 March 12, 2016 FacebookTwitterTumblrRedditEmail